A Great Social Networking Site to meet new communities

My husband recently accepted a position at a new company that was not within commuting distance from our home. This meant that we had to put our house on the market and look for a new home closer to his job site. In doing so, we would have to move to an area that neither of us was familiar with, and where we didn’t know more than a few people. I made a vow to myself that I was going to join some sort of Mom’s group. My son was 19 months old, old enough to get out there and meet other children his age, and I needed some Mom friends in my new area. When we did finally move into our new home, I looked up the local Mom’s group and found that they only accepted stay-at-home Mom’s. I am currently staying at home with my son, but before our move, I was working part-time in a job that I loved, and I plan on continuing that work here shortly. That left the local Mom’s group out. So what then?

That’s when chance happened. I was in Babies R Us helping my sister register for her baby shower when a Mom approached us and we began to talk. Through conversation, she learned that I was new to the area, and she told me about She said that there was a local Mom’s group that she took part in and that she loved. So, when I got home, I decided to look at the site. I found three Mom’s groups that fit my needs! I was so excited! After reading up on information on each of the groups, I made my decision and signed up. I have only been a member of this group for about two months now, but it has been absolutely wonderful. This group of Mom’s and children have made me feel incredibly welcome in my new hometown. I have made some great friends and we all share the same thing in common…our children!

Not only does have Mom’s groups, they also have groups to bring people together that share other interests. From sewing, to scrapbooking, to theatre, to restaurants, to music, to sports, you just can’t go wrong. Don’t see your interest? Then you can make a meetup group of your own! begins on the internet, but it’s main purpose is to bring people with similar interests together in their community. Therefor, if you live in an extremely rural area, there may not be a meetup that pertains to your particular interests, but like I said, if it’s not there, then you can begin one of your very own. The name of just needs to be spread around. I had never heard of it before two months ago, and yet, it has been a crucial part of my welcoming committee to my new area.

I pay $10 a year to be a part of my meetup group. Some charge more, some less, some charge no money. It all depends on what your interests are and who the organizer of your meetup group is. The $10 a year goes towards Mom’s nights out for my particular group, such as pizza parties. $10 a year? To me that doesn’t seem like a lot at all! And a free meetup? Can’t beat that!

If you’re looking to meet other people in your area that share the same interests as you, then I would absolutely recommend you take a look at Hopefully you are able to find a match and are as happy in your meetup experiences as I have been. For meeting new people, Instagram will provide global platform to the person. A visit can be made at the lightninglikes for knowing the pros and cons of the instagram. 

News Reporter
Janice Morgan is the head writer at Gonzagala. She loves writing as much as she loves her seventeen cats! Her articles on nature are well appreciated.